Go read this now. Just. Go. Now. Holy crap.


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By afarensis (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

and you're just finding out about this now?

BTW, word is that Bristol Palin is now about 5 months pregnant. So either Trig IS Sarah's or there's one heck of a cover up going on.

It's a lot of drama, and it's taking attention away from the campaign. Is it relevant? I don't know. A lot of people feel that this is just indicative of Sarah Palin: That she lies, that she doesn't live according to her own rules, that she's a crappy mother and would make a crappy VP.

I think there's enough reason not to want Palin to be VP without worrying about her family's breeding habits.

Lot of commentary about how awful it is to speculate on this rumor, but it isn't an attack on Sarah Palin's daughter. If SP hid her daughter's (earlier, alleged) pregnancy, that says something about what century she's living in.

The thing a lot of people are missing is that even if its not true, and it's looking likely that it's not, Palin comes off as somebody with very bad judgment.

Catching a plane from Texas to Alaska and from there driving for 45mins to a sleepy little hospital to give birth, instead of rushing to the closest hospital she could back in Texas, is a rather strange and irresponsible thing to do.

Catching a plane from Texas to Alaska and from there driving for 45mins to a sleepy little hospital to give birth, instead of rushing to the closest hospital she could back in Texas, is a rather strange and irresponsible thing to do.

The conspiracy theory of the moment is that she wanted her son to be a native-born Alaskan because of her ties with a nutty Alaskan separatist group. The frightening thing is how little you have to squint for that to make altogether too much sense.

Fuck. When exactly did we start living in Transmetropolitan as adapted for the screen by Thomas Pynchon?

Thanks for the extra links. I had heard about the daughter's pregnancy and thought "so what". I've been in the woods over the weekend, going through enough trouble to keep up on the Gustav news and not hearing anything about the rest of this. Then, I heard rumblings about how we are supposed to ignore everybody else's family issues, and some crazy story about Sarah Palin having not actually given birth and ignored that. But Ed's post drew my attention to it.

I remain opinionless on the issue.

Bottom line: McCain is an idiot, and should be nowhere near ANY post that would allow him to make any decisions that affect the rest of us, and there is plenty of wrong about Sarah Palin.

Check: I'm not opinionless on Palin and McCain. To to dogs with both of them. I just don't have an opinion as to the maternity of her alleged child.