Oprah To Be Boycotted By Republican Right Wing Women

Republican right wing women threw a hissy fit (as Republicans are famous for doing) because Oprah Winfrey chose to not interview Sarah Palin. The Oprah Empire appears to be unaffected by this reactionary bullying.

So, does this mean that Palin's policies when she becomes president will include dictating who does what on TV? Does it mean that Palin supporters believe that they should control the media?


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Does it mean that Palin supporters believe that they should control the media?

Yes, in the same respect that you felt you should control the Olympics when you had your Olympics boycott. That is, not at all.

By R. Totale (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oprah should be boycotted, but not for her politics. She should be boycotted for all the pseudoscience and quackery she promotes on her show, not the least of which is Jenny McCarthy and her antivaccine idiocy.

@orac: I tend to agree with you on that issue, but at the same time I'm hoping that Oprah's massive influence on midwestern housewives might help Obama overcome some of the latent racism that would normally motivate such women to vote McCain.

Talk about a stupid boycott. The religious right is always slamming Oprah which means that the people who most likely would be targeted to support this boycott are already likely to NOT watch the show.

This reminds me of an anti-gay boycott against the beer companies for supporting gay organizations. The teetotaling Christian right is being asked to give up something (beer) that they already don't use.

The Oprah boycott will accomplish nothing except get a little noise out there for sister Sarah.

Orac:Oprah should be boycotted, but not for her politics. She should be boycotted for all the pseudoscience and quackery she promotes on her show,

I'm not sure who's keeping track of this, but is it the case that the pseudoscience and quackery, including spirituality themed self help stuff, is more common on Oprah than before, increasing steadily?

Qwerty: Well, they do drink beer when no one is looking. In Minnesota we have a saying: How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer on the fishing trip? Answer: Bring two Baptists.

My Dad's side of the family in Mississippi are all Southern Baptist, several are members of the Gideons, his grandfather was a travleing preacher, etc. Every year during a weekend in July they participate in a huge blowout party that lasts for at least two days. One thing they do is bring a bunch of kegs out onto a sandbar in the River, and they all stand around drinking and fishing. Occasionally someone passes out, wihch isn't very safe when you're standing in two feet of water in the middle of the Mississippi.

So, yes, Baptists do sometimes drink beer.

I can just picture the scene;

Ricki Lake - "So you say Oprah won't talk to you? Tell her how you feel."

Oprah - "Talk to the HAND!"

Something was missing from that report. The boycotters mention how much Palin is doing to advance the cause of women (snicker), and the report mentions that Obama was on Oprah's show, before he was running for president, but not since. The next obvious question to me was, has Oprah had Hillary Clinton on her show during this campaign season?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink

Palin won't do real interviews so she's demanding a fluff one?

Also Oprah is being principled - *no* candidates on her show during the campaign because it would be disingenuous to interview either Obama (who she endorses) or anyone else (who she doesn't)

She is showing a fair bit of spine and integrity there.

Every time you turn around, they're boycotting something. It would save us all a lot of time if they just walled off their gated communities and stopped bothering us.

If they're going to boycott Oprah because she won't have Palin on, then they should praise Oprah for not having Biden on.

Geez, it took Palin to piss them off? I would think Oprah's hypocrisy regarding sexual abuse would have done it; after all she made her career demonizing men as deviant perverts, and lo and behold the first real sexual abuse scandal in her own life--where the head mistress of her charter school in S. Africa sexually abused the female students--gets swept under the rug, as most female to female sexual abuse does...

By the real sockpuppies (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink

Well, there are enough reasons to not watch Oprah without this. I guess I'll just continue not watching Oprah, and Dr. Phil while I'm at it.

Am I missing something? I thought Palin was the vice presidential candidate. Shouldn't they be demanding that McCain get an interview? I doubt Biden has been on the show.

help Obama overcome some of the latent racism that would normally motivate such women to vote McCain.

I don't know, the racism of us midwestern hicks has been more than compensated for by elitist white liberals patting themselves on the back for their support of Obama in spite of his being black. You should feel proud.

See, Joel, the interesting thing is that there is no "in spite of." No pride either. I'm tickled to get to see history being made, as I was when Keith Ellison was elected, but mostly I'm impressed with him as an inspirational leader and with his record as a legislator.

Brian: McCain couldn't even fill a medium sized statium yesterday for an event. Palin is the big news. I understand the Republicans are going to institute a new procedure in the system for next time: Super Later Delegates. These are delegates that can vote after the convention to replace the presidential candidate with the vice presidential candidate.

Yeah Stephanie, he inspires broad generalizations in people who abhor broad generalizations.

BTW, in the Midwestern State of Iowa, Obama enjoys a broad lead.

More that he doesn't speak to the lowest common denominator, and I'm encouraged that people still respond to that. Thanks for the news from Iowa, though.

All these years, I've been thinking the term "lowest common denominator" was a pejorative term often used when critics speak dismissively of low-brow culture. But today I learned that I'm wrong.

I've been reading Andrew Hodges new book One to Nine: The Inner Life of Numbers. [Hodges also wrote Alan Turing: The Enigma.] In his chapter about the number Nine, Hodges discusses the term "lowest common denominator," a term that many associate with something that is "small and cheap." But we've got it all backwards


Stephanie, maybe you've got it all backwards too?