John McCain = Manchurian Candidate

The proof is finally in. John McCain has the uncanny ability to say whatever he wants no matter how utterly untrue it is and retain support in the double (albeit diminishing) digits. The Chinese are also able to say whatever they want (like, this girl can sing, and hey, look at the cool fireworks) even when it is not true and somehow get away with it.

Well, suddenly it all makes sense. On Thursday, the Chinese space agency released a story about the successful launch of their space craft, including taped dialog between ground control and the astronauts and everything. The launch, of course, was the NEXT DAY. Wow.

Meanwhile, as McCain famously released an ad explaining how he had won the debates, the morning of the debates, and in fact, before he ever actually acknowledged that he was even going to the debates.

The difference between the Chinese and McCain?

While McCain clearly did NOT win the debates (at best he did not lose too badly), the Chinese actually DID launch a space ship with astronauts in it.


Details here.


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The difference between the Chinese and McCain?

I believe the traditional answer to that question is:

By Ashley Moore (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

McCain as demented sleeper agent? I can see it.

By Nattering Nabo… (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

The Chinese never made out with Angela Lansbury... at least not en masse. Don't tell Cindy McCain about this either.

Wait. Are you saying that John McCain and Sa.. wait.. WHAT exactly are you saying?