Michelle Bachmann: Deja Vu All Over Again

Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann blames the current mortgage crisis on African Americans. This is why she has won the most recent "Worst Person in the World Award" ... see video below. This is also why the Entire World has to get together and work to have this woman THROWN OUT OF OFFICE in the upcoming election. The Democrat running against her, El Tinklenberg is a great guy and will make a fine representative to congress from the North Star State.

Click here to visit El Tinklenberg's Campaign web site. Please send Tinklenberg a donation! The only think keeping him from winning is funding!

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Isn't science a big point of this blog? Seems to me that the interesting question is whether or not what Bachman says is true. That idiot on the clip chortling about how she's a racist doesn't address any issues nor provide any useful information.


By vonagan cheeseman (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Larry King seems to like her,shes on there all the time.
And listening to her has convinced me that she is not only incompetent,but a liar.In a word,a good republican.

I read the editorial she wrote. She did not mention race once. She ignored it. As was proper. And her analysis was spot on totally and absolutely correct in every possible way. And any one who tries to use race to smear her is a racist them selves and an idiot to boot. And to be clear Greg Laden - I am calling you an idiot. You analysis are full of crap. You pander to the lowest in our society and advocate socialism. The absolutely worst system of economics devised by Mankind. I have not read your bio, but I hope that you have nothing to do with educating our young people as any you touch will undoubtedly be unable to but two thought together in a cogent form. You sir are despicable and need to be discarded upon the ash heap of history and left to rot. You are what the greatest philosopher of all time, the great Ayn Rand, referred to as a moocher. And as such you need to hurry up and leave, go away, vanish before your evil ideas contaminate and pollute any more of our world.


By Boyd W. Smith (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

The Great Ayn Rand? The Objectivist! Ha!

Boyd W. Smith, you analysis is crap. It's time to get out of the basement of your mother's house and learn how economics works in the real world. Ayn Rand was traumatized in her youth and her economics were her way of lashing out as part of her recovery program.

As for Michelle Bachmann in her racism is ignoring the fact that white people were also beneficiaries of the CRA, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guarantees. So, her singling out of "Blacks and other minorities" is racist. How much more do you need?