Michele Bachmann has got to go.

UPDATE: Since Bachmann's appearance on Hardball, the Tinklenberg Campaign has received over $30,000.00 in donations! Much of this could be because of the link from Pharyngula, but I think a fair number of people also watch Hard Ball.

I'm sure Tinklenberg would appreciate more...


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Man, if I bombed the Pentagon back in the 1960s, I think I'd still be in prison, not a tenured professor.

UPDATE: This issue ... Bachmann's embarrassing and offensive comments will be the subject of Rachel Maddow's show tonight, in about 25 minutes from this very minute, so turn ON MSNBC NOW!!!

I would like to thank the people who donated to Elwyn Tinklenberg's campaign after this appearance tonight by Bachmann.

I'll be out in the 6th district tomorrow doorknocking for the good guy.

Well, PZ sent 'em to Tinklenberg's site, not Act Blue, so it's not all coming from here, er Pharyngula, by any means. (Mine didn't - I was motivated by TPM)

Tinklenberg could do with a course in construction of basic metaphors: press release 10/6/08: "Bachmann throws drowning workers an anchor".

Aren't anchors heavy metal things that would drag a drowning person to the bottom of the sea and at best ensure a swift death? Perhaps he should throw them a lifebuoy?