What is the meaning of this?

Sarah Palin
Sarah Plain
Sarah Paling
Sarah Pain
Sarah Palling
Sarah Plaint

... Can you tell?

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Your going nuts?

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

"Sarah Palin is quite possibly the most ignorant person ever nominated by a major party for the office of Vice President of the United States?"

No? Well, it's true anyway.

Actually, looking at it a bit further, I don't think there is a way to get from Palin to appealing without taking a big leap in the middle or delving into nonsense.

I hate word games. Just tell us.

Sarah Planet?

Please God, not that.

By foolfodder (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Well, it makes about as much sense as any of her recently reported utterances. My guess is that you have some ap-Palin-g pun in mind.

Much simpler

The first is the name of the governor of Alaska. The rest are the alternatives, in order, Microsoft Word gives you for spelling.

OpenOffice.org Writer gives us:

pal in

and ispell in Linux gives us:

pal in

Greg, I've told you before and I'll tell you again. The way to say hello to a girl is to walk up and say to her, "Hello." Works like a charm, I guarantee it.

OAK PARK, ILParents of Obama '08 campaign volunteer Mark Lowe said their son's selfless work for the Illinois senator has shown the 22-year-old to be mature, civic-minded, and absolutely unbearable to talk to. "I remember when I was going to vote for Hillary Clinton in the primary, and [Mark] spoke for 30 minutes about how Obama is the next Kennedy, the only candidate capable of bringing real change, and how Hillary embodies everything that's wrong with Washington," David Lowe, 58, said. "It's incredible that he's so passionate about our nation's future, and now he really needs to shut the hell up."
