Peace Dove Fail

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It's that time of the year again! I'm getting involved in Donors Choose for the month of October, check out projects I'm trying to raise money for at the link. There are other ScienceBloggers involved of course. Below the fold are further details from Janet: This year, the challenge runs…
Anton just spent a few days attending the AMA's 27th Annual Medical Communications Conference, where he gave a session about medicine and healthcare blogging. And of course, he blogged about the whole conference here, here, here, here and here. Who knows, there may be more coming. I hope to see…
Yikes…while all these new people are reading here, I should be sending them off to other good science sites. Quick, here are a few links: The gang at—lots of sciencey stuff there. The Panda's Thumb. A few more: De Rerum Natura, Evolving Thoughts, Evolution 101, Thoughts from Kansas…
Boy, diving all day every day sure makes you miss a bunch of stuff on the internets. Here's a quickie catching up of things I should have told you about already: Jason tagged me in a meme because I have some kind of substance*. It would be breaking web etiquette not to follow suit. So here's the…

That pretty much sums up the new century nicely.