The GOP Embraces Ignorance: Creationism Cited As Main Evidence

Watch it to the end.

The money-shot is at five minutes and five seconds.

MSNBC seems reluctant to put this video up, but someone on YouTube comes to the rescue.

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Who is the moderator? Notice how she keeps making incredulous noises during the LO/PB exchange; all during when LO is calling out PB? She was SO shocked when LO said the repugs are the party of ignorance. That is an easily defended position but she acted like LO said something beyond the pale. She reminds me of that woman co-host on Joe Scar's show whose sole function seems to be making hackneyed quips the whole time. I'd like to get paid TV pundit money to do that.


She reminds me of that woman co-host on Joe Scar's show whose sole function seems to be making hackneyed quips the whole time

That is who she is.

I'm still not sure that Buchanan doesn't believe in evolution. It's interesting to see that he doesn't answer the question directly, which isn't terribly like him. He tries to turn it around so his questioner answers instead. It suggests to me that Buchanan only believes in the Christian creation myth professionally, not personally.

That is, of course, worse.

I'm shocked -- just shocked! -- to learn that Pat Buchanan is a proudly and willfully ignorant windbag.

I don't understand the appeal of watching so-called pundits do nothing but spout off, yell over each others' opinions, vacuously dismiss counterarguments, and not even pretend to check their facts when called into question. What's the point of listening to these battling blowhards?

Pat Buchanan is a christian monkey or a christian chicken for being too scared to answer the question.