Bjorn goes to The Holy Land Experience

One of the most amazing scenes in Bill Maher's Religulous is the scene from The Holy Land Experience, which is like Disney Land, but instead of fictional characters that are sometimes charming sometimes scary and that everybody goes nuts over, it's got ... well, fictional characters that are sometimes charming sometimes scary and that everybody goes nuts over. Maher interviews Jesus Christ, Son of God. Then, they show some film of Jesus being crucified and shit. Fine. But the strangest thing is the audience. They are in a theme park, there is an actor playing Jesus, and a bunch of actors playing Romans and so on and so forth, and fake blood everywhere, and campy acting, and there are people in the audience with their hands raised holy-roller style singing the praises to the lord-o-lordy-lord.

What is even freaker is this: Bjorn has been there. He's actually been there. And he writes about it here.

Bjorn, man, I can't believe you did that. And survived. I guess they didn't recognize you. I would have assumed the holy water would have boiled when you walked by or something. (Or ... maybe it's fake holy water!!!)

Here's a trailer for Religulous

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