Gadgets for the ladies. Some are pink, most not.

I want the peek.

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Hat tip: Bora, a real technology ladies man.


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I can't believe they're still pushing the Zune.

I dunno about you guys, but I'm in favor of an "oops" key.

Heh. I just got a Centro yesterday, to replace the LG phone I had, which I have hated and put up with for two years! So far I like the Centro much better, and since I'm a longtime Palm PDA user, it's like getting a PDA for free, and I don't have to carry two devices around! yay!

I have a Palm Centro, and even though I love it, it does have the occasional tendency to freeze when retrieving large amounts of e-mail. Still, it's easy to use, and I don't need to carry my Palm Pilot with me any more. :)