... made during work time ...

Hat Tip Miss Cellania (who has some other cool stuff ... check it out)


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... is not entirely accurate scientifically, but it is very inspiring. Hat tip: Miss Cellania And while you are over at Miss Cellania's place, check out this scary video.
Storms these days are universally enhanced by Global Warming, and right now we are having one of those Jet Stream Blocking thingies which is doing some amazing weather making. In Norway, Storm Ivar did a pretty good job of messing up these people's shopping plans: I assume they started out with…
Just another stupid youtube video ... Hat tip: Miss Cellania
... didn't happen to include any black people. That was later. Look: hat tip Miss Cellania

I'm wasting company time watching the product of other people wasting company time. Who says the economy is in a tail spin? It just gives me more time to entertain myself, at work.