
DO NOT CLICK HERE until you have put your crash helmet on, because the stoopid is going to whack you upside the head so bad your eyeballs are going to spin like a top.

And if that was not enough stoopid for you, Jason has more.

The horror, the horror ...... Linux in Exile has undergone an upgrade. To vista .... "In that final hour, I watched Windows reboot itself no less than 5 times. Watching the progress meter, I could see that each reboot occurred after a major software component had been installed (Office, etc.) I'd almost forgotten that Windows needs to reboot for system changes or software installations to take effect." wow. Check it out.

And please don't forget to read this new post on Quiche Moraine.

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my god that's incredibly stupid. I'm no scientist and far from a genius but that's not exactly difficult information to come by. Sounds like he's a global climate change denier trying to sneak something in on behalf of the oil companies - that bit about it being warmer in Alaska in the past - I wonder how he reconciles that with his probable literal belief in the bible :)

Strangely enough, he unwittingly got part of it right. When the deposits were first laid, the land which we now call Alaska was indeed somewhat warmer. Trouble is, this bit he missed, that land was much closer to the equator back then.

By Gray Gaffer (not verified) on 22 Apr 2009 #permalink

What is this connection between warm climate and oil reserves anyway? A deep trough or rift in a tundra can certainly become an oil field eventually.