Norm Coleman: Against Democracy

Norm Coleman has requested a more "leisurely" (as the Star Tribune calls it) schedule for his recount appeal. What is more leisurely? The Coleman team would like oral arguments to begin no sooner than mid-May, and easily later than that.


Clearly, the hypothesis that Norm Coleman is simply playing a delaying game stands, still, unrejected.

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Coleman is playing games with our democracy. Preventing an opponent from being seated purely for political reasons. I hope the people of Minnesota punish both Coleman and the Republican party for stomping on our democracy.

There is a point where one gives up trying to bother falsifying a hypothesis because all attempts to falsify it have so blatantly failed. We may be approaching that point with regard to the delaying hypothesis.

Sorry, if he hasn't gotten his arguments lined up in the last few months, too bad for him! What would happen if he had to make a quick decision in a state emergency?

Is the spam that bad or was it just that I put links into my last comment?

Is there anything to stop Franken trying to go straight to the SCOTUS to demand to be enrolled in the Senate immediately. The worst they could do is refuse to hear the case,right?

This is the first test for the MN-Supreme Court. The ECC received the same request from Coleman asking for a delay until after Valentineâs Day ⦠the Court ruled against it.

The test will be of Coleman financial supporter Supreme Court Associate Justice Christopher Dietzen --- will he grant Colemanâs request or take the same approach that the ECC did ?