Hunger Pains

Have you ever:
... tried to order a BLT at Subway?
... been really hungry so your bones stuck out and you passed out now and then?
... given someone a sandwich so they could get through the next day?

Well, who cares. But do go read my latest post at Quiche Moraine on these topics. Thank you very much.

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Nice Story -but I'm having trouble reconciling the amount you paid for rent ($16.50 per week) and the cost of the sandwich.($1.89)

I can get a "Footlong" with everything on it at Subway for $5 today - but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to find a place to live for $45 a week.

Were the sandwiches there unusually expensive?

Stacy, maybe you live in the wrong place. Five years ago, in central Minnesota (St. Cloud), I found a house (with one roommate) where I paid $160 a month, about $40 a week, not including utilities. It wasn't a nice neighborhood, it definitely was not a nice house, but its possible. I doubt I could find that kind of a deal in coastal southern California. Nevertheless, I still can get a $5 footlong.