Torture: Does not work. Still. We're sure now.

Maddow on torture. "I make up stories."

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We need to just get these documents out now, in full.

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And go after everyone involved in torturing, just like the law requires.

By oscar zoalaster (not verified) on 16 Jun 2009 #permalink

What would you do if tortured for information? I would become very unhapppy with the torturer. I would take the torture long enough to make me sound truthful when I finally "broke". The whole time my mind would have been working a top speed formulating truthful sounding lies which my torturer would want to hear; and which would both get me off the hook and sow confusion among the bad people. Isn't this how anyone would respond to torture?

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 16 Jun 2009 #permalink

The way I understand it is that most suspects say just about anything that comes into their mind in order to stop the process. This even goes for standard police interrogation for a lot of people (See The False Confession, and False Confessions: Scaring Suspects to Death.)

Remember: Once you are under arrest, the police officers are no longer your friends (like Mommy used to tell you). Do not tell them anything other than your name (and maybe date of birth) without your attorney present. When being questioned as a suspect, the police will probably lie to you (they're allowed to do this).

I don't mean to sound overly dramatic, but if you're in a bad situation, don't make it worse on your own.

reactions from the deepest corner of wingnuttia (Rapture Ready forums):

"After reading that article though, I sincerely hope that the other man, Abu Zubaya, is lying about his experience. I hope our interrogators did not really inflict the sickening injuries he described. We wouldn't do that, would we?"

yes. we wouldn't do that. ever. America the saintly. fuck me, that's naive. but hey, maybe it'll chip away at their illusion. assuming their cognitive dissonance doesn't swallow it into the memory hole a-la "we've always been at war with Eastasia"