On Generic Drugs and Health Care Savings

When Ella was three years old, she began exhibiting strange behaviors and for several days we had no clue as to their meaning. She was having difficulty with her toilet training, and we guessed that the stress was manifesting itself in what we shortly learned were partial-complex seizures. The expressions varied in the first few days, so when we attempted to describe them to the primary care physician, he was prone to agree with our assessment but asked us to come back in if the behaviors continued....

A new post by Mike at Quiche Moraine.


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Interesting post. If I were designing a universal health coverage, I would mandate the use of generics where available.
I think in this story the generics were fine as I would hope they normally are.
As for brand name, I seem to remember some pharmacist criminally diluting brand name chemo drugs to make money. This is clearly not the fault of he brand name, but indicates whatever you use, it is hard to be 100 percent sure they are not fake.