Palin: The Chickens Come Home, Roost

AlaskaReport has learned this morning that Todd Palin and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin are to divorce. Multiple sources in Wasilla and Anchorage have confirmed the news.


UPDATE: Meg Stapleton, Palin's spokesperson, totally denies divorce rumors.

And to commemorate almost one year of being annoyed by Sarah Palin, have a look at this:

This is a very fun video to watch for so many reasons, originally posted on this site on August 31st, 2007...

Hat Tip DNLee

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I don't think this is well confirmed enough yet to be sure. Spokespeople are denying it, and so far the only evidence cited are anonymous town rumors, interpreted coldness, and her wedding ring being missing. They might well be going through serious marital troubles, and generating enough heat to create those tidbits in the process, but divorce is a whole 'nother step. After originally thinking the story was... well, an explanation for a lot of still unexplained things, I'll wait and see.

Hahaha! She'll be going to hell with teh gayz then. :) Lucky her - it'll be a fun time. That's what I love about religion; something is always evil until you do it.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 01 Aug 2009 #permalink