Racist Act at Health Care Forum, Racist Act by Police, All White Crowd Goes Wild

Senator Claire McCaskill's health care forum. You can't see much detail, but when a couple of black women in an all white room are dragged off by the police, I figure they were probably victims of the growing racism we are seeing in this discourse.

flashvars="file=http://www.france24.com/static/observers/video/090813 Health CNN.flv&fullscreen=true&autostart=false&width=480&height=406&stretching=fill&captions=http://www.france24.com/static/observers/subs/090813 Health CNN.flv.xml&autostart=false&plugins=accessibility-1" src="http://www.france24.com/static/observers/player/player.swf"/>

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It is hard to say what really happened. I don't see any reason to think she was not just mouthing off more loudly than the next person but why should that get her thrown out?

I do believe that is from back in July. The Woman in question had some kind of Civil Rights poster that was ripped up by a teabagger. Supposedly no posters of anykind were allowed but other footage from the event showed several people holding "don't tread on me" posters...

By afarensis, FCD (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

And the older white gentleman in the powder blue shirt, were the police dragging him off because of some nefarious racial plot as well? I suppose the three deputies needed to carry queen hippo away did make a more meme worthy story though.

Get a clue Mr Laden, and then go get yourself a job.

Yes, this is an older video: the woman had a Rosa Parks poster, which was torn up by a white teabagger who pushed her, grabbed the poster, and tore it. The whole incident is on other films (also available on YouTube). He was later arrested on assault charges for the incident, and I believe that was plead down to a lesser charge. But yes, this was very clearly a racist incident.

He's a gentleman

Well yes, he was. It didnt take a tactical team remove him and place him under arrest (which he was).

she's queen hippo

Did you see her? She's the reason premiums are so high. Her veins probably pump a mixture of Crisco and maple syrup.

and you're so not a racist

I thought I told you no one gave a fuck what you thought frenchie ?

Well yes, he was. It didnt take a tactical team remove him and place him under arrest (which he was).

He knew he tore up the poster to upset the woman, then afterward took the "high road" and went with the officer without any air of being upset to look like the reasonable one. Duh.

Did you see her? She's the reason premiums are so high. Her veins probably pump a mixture of Crisco and maple syrup.

What about the other older black lady with her, the real reason three went with her and her companion? And what about the fact that she was the aggrieved party, and was being told to leave as well (because she had a poster at all, and was getting upset about him stealing and tearing up her poster)?

I thought I told you no one gave a fuck what you thought frenchie ?

You did, that still doesn't make it any more true. Ignorant, self-satisfied prick.

It's funny, Mike H hates everything Greg stands for, repeatedly bitches about how no one could possibly care what Greg has to say, and yet on every post he turns up like a syphilitic chancre just to show how much he doesn't care.

Yeah, white man rips up Rosa Parks poster, and the black woman that owned the poster gets forcibly ejected with him. How could anyone possibly think racism was involved?

By JThompson (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

He knew he tore up the poster to upset the woman, then afterward took the "high road" and went with the officer without any air of being upset to look like the reasonable one. Duh.

Perhaps he was the reasonable one? Perhaps he was mad because queen Hippo was there to pcik a fight instead of talking with McCaskill? Perhaps he tore up the poster because she wasnt supposed to have it? Perhaps he did what the police said because he is a law abing citizen? Duh Frenchie.

What about the other older black lady with her, the real reason three went with her and her companion? And what about the fact that she was the aggrieved party, and was being told to leave as well (because she had a poster at all, and was getting upset about him stealing and tearing up her poster)?

She was being told to leave to avoid any more conflict and question her outside. You may think that the Mounties may do it differently up by you Frenchie, but I doubt it.

You did, that still doesn't make it any more true. Ignorant, self-satisfied prick.

Now now Frenchie, no need for the potty mouth.

So Mike H is a plant, right? To stir up controversy on articles that don't get enough comments.

Gwenny: I wish. Please see my latest post about Mike H. There is a link there to his actual blog, and a request for readers to suggest what to do about him.

Is ad hominim all you have Mike H.? Not smart enough to argue policy? I'll bet you're a pleasant person to be around.

You should stay on your front porch drinking moonshine Mike, its' not as mentally challenging.

By Gilgamesh (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

I'm beginning to lean that way, Gwenny.

I have no problem being described by a single property I do happen to have, so calling me "Frenchie" in an attempt at riling me up is amusing. Sure, I was being a bit unfair by referring to you using three accurate adjectives, but as they're accurate, and not particularly vulgar, I don't see where I deserve the epithet "potty mouth". If you'd like, I could come up with at least a dozen particularly vulgar epithets that still accurately describe you that makes "prick" pale in comparison. And I won't even have to resort to switching to French!

On the 'what do we do with Mike H' post I made the comment that banning might not be the way to go. I knew from his website he was a flaming idiot: the racism he embodies was something I managed to miss when I visited.

You know, maybe we should let the little dolt stay. I mean, he'll just go somewhere else. And it must be lonely for him. I can't believe his bio on his site is honest. How many engineers do you know who can take as much time as he takes during the work day to post his drivel. So I'm guessing he's a night stock boy at some convenience store. And I'm pretty sure no woman would have anyone as obviously sexist and sizist as he is. So he's home all alone, with no exercise but what his happy fun time hand gets looking at goat pictures. I change my vote to let him stay.

It is clear what the world needs to do:

Find out what Mike H. thinks about any issue and then do the opposite.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

Unless he's spamming, what's the problem? We can respond, or ignore him, but I sure hope you've never considered blocking him.

It's far preferable that he spend his time arguing on blogs than shouting at town hall meetings. Here he's not drowning anyone else out who has something to say.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

Mike H's use of the word "perhaps" deserves an answer. I looked up the YouTube video that shows the incident from a different angle (I'm not going to give you clues on how to find it Mikey; sooner or later you're going to have to start thinking for yourself). The woman is sitting in her seat and is approached by some unidentified woman, and the two seem to be in discussion. During this time the Rosa Parks "flag" (it was apparently made of cloth)was sitting FOLDED on a chair in front of the African American woman. While the two women were in discussion a man rose from his seat, crossed the aisle and grabbed the "flag", then seemed to be trying to rip it. It was an unprovoked assault and the "flag" wasn't even being displayed.
I have no problem with police removing the woman to get evidence or for her safety. The problem is that the news report didn't even attempt to present the events in any descriptive way and McCaskill ended her description of the events before giving a complete review.
Considering his actions the man in the blue shirt was no gentleman. He was as presumptuous as Mike H is in his description of the woman's blood chemistry.

"Perhaps he was the reasonable one? Perhaps he was mad because queen Hippo was there to pcik a fight instead of talking with McCaskill? Perhaps he tore up the poster because she wasnt supposed to have it? Perhaps he did what the police said because he is a law abing citizen? Duh Frenchie." â Mike H

Full story (quite old): The black woman had a Rosa Parks poster. The "no poster rule" was not made known before the event (other people did have posters). When told of it, she rolled up the poster and placed it on a chair in front of her. A photographer requested to see it, so she unrolled it in her lap. At that time the white man ran up, grabbed the poster, and ripped it up. A group of officers remove her; one officer removes him. And then a massive crowd of white people start cheering.

Now, Mike...seriously. You are suggesting this man violated all recognized forms of civility, order, rule, and decorum, and assaulted a woman out of a respect for rules? That is absurd. And as far as him being "reasonable", well, that's a HUGE "perhaps".

You are suggesting she came to "pick a fight". She was sitting quietly. It's those on the right who continuously use these forums to "pick fights". I'm fairly sure that somebody running up on you, grabbing your personal possession, and destroying it would be "picking a fight" in your mind (unless they were black, in which case it would be a mugging).

One can only imagine what she felt, as one of a small hand full of brown faces surrounded by jeering, screaming white faces, foaming at the mouth with bulging veins, as she is attacked and then escorted away.

Finally, how is Rosa Parks threatening? It's not even a statement on health care. Oh, but she is black...and the lady is too. So is Obama. Hmmm...interesting.