Mass Gov Names Senate Replacement for Kennedy

Democrat Paul Kirk has been named by Governor Deval Patrick as an interim replacement to fill Ted Kennedy's senate seat. Kirk will serve until the end of the present term and will not run for re-election.


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No, Kirk will serve until someone is elected in the special January 19 election who then will serve the remaining three years of Kennedy's term.

He will serve only about 4 months.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 24 Sep 2009 #permalink

I wonder if the new interim senator would inherit Kennedy's staff? It would sure make the transition a lot easier.

NEB: Right. Thanks for the correction. Scott: Good question. I'll bet NEB knows!

Kirk knows and has worked with a lot of Kennedy's staff. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them serve with him. I would guess others already have new jobs. Congress quickly kicks out the staff and requires the office to empty when a congress-person leaves. I think they had a week to vacate.

Kirk nor the elected senator in January will NOT get Kennedy's physical offices.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 24 Sep 2009 #permalink

Let me try that last sentence again:

Neither Kirk nor the January-elected replacement senator will get Kennedy's physical office space.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 24 Sep 2009 #permalink

He also doesn't get his parking place or his seniority.

Yes, but will Kirk or the January-elect get the *knowledge*? Kennedy didn't operate by himself. It would seem a waste if Kirk had to regrow that expertise, just for a few months work. If he's just holding down the fort (wherever that is physically located), it would make more sense if the fort still had some foot soldiers in it.

It's sure nice for Kirk that the Democrats in control of the Mass. legislature are able and willing to change the rules to suit party interests.