Baby Alex Can't Have Health Insurance

He's too big.

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I did not let Amanda see this story. I just turned the TV off and said "Oh, I think the fuse blew, honey."


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definitely going home if this healthcare bill passes with mandates but without a public option. What a glorious clusterfuck this has turned out to be.

@Jadehawk: Actually it's kinda looking like we might get a public option. The insurance companies have more or less shot themselves in the foot at this point.
Blatant extortion probably wasn't a very good idea. Any Democrat that doesn't have a field day with this didn't want a public option in the first place.

By JThompson (not verified) on 13 Oct 2009 #permalink

which is why I'm not packing my bags just yet, JThompson. but I'm just not nearly as confident about this turning out sensibly as I used to be.

Glad they came to their senses and decided to "... change its policy for babies that are healthy but fat."

And as for insuring the unhealthy babies - they're just not in that business.

By AnonymousCoward (not verified) on 13 Oct 2009 #permalink

If the 95th percentile is the cutoff, then 5% of all babies are automatically uninsurable. I wonder if they will all have to pay a fine for not being covered?

Me, I'll have to pay the fine, since the $1500 they are talking about is still WAY cheaper than even hospitalization-only coverage. But I still won't be covered.

Five of the six members of my household have public insurance under three different plans. I am not eligible because I WORK. On what planet does that make sense?

It's the baby's own fault for eating all those cheeseburgers, right? Honestly, I never thought fat-shaming could this low! Are big babies at a higher risk for health expenses anyway? I thought it was the little ones that we had to worry about.

catgirl, he's breastfed. Breastfed babies tend to be bigger ("fatter") than formula fed babies. He's also probably just a big baby all around. He's not at a higher risk. And indeed, I'd say he's probably healthier and at a lower risk for health issues because he IS breastfed and because he IS so fat and healthy.

Also, fat babies are cuter. :D

I for one was dismayed by this baby. He's HUGE. No. GINORMOUS!!! At 3 months? Now I'm worried about my (very) little guy...

The baby is disconcerting. Over the next few years, at least, all family portraits will look like photoshop jobs.