Evangelist Tony Alamo sentenced to 175 years in prison for child sex convictions

I'm just hearing that on the news. Here's a link to the story about the hearing.


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Its not enough. Give him 900 years with no parole.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

Good. I hope he never makes parole. I wonder what justice Alamo's followers, the ones who enabled and helped Tony, received. Were they given psychiatric assistance and allowed to go about their lives or were they prosecuted for abetting Alamo or perhaps a combination of the two. I see some prosecution for one or more of Alamo's lieutenants in an internet search, but, the putrefaction must run deeper in the organization.

What I read about Tony Alamo's crimes sickened me, but, knowing his crimes may not have happened without the aid of his cohorts in religion really disgusted me.

Even if under someone's 'spell' a person still needs to be responsible for their actions.

By Gilgamesh (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

Geesh, what a---hmmm.

I almost said creep, which of course he is, but then I thought about my last post about Senator Bart Stupak and I began to wonder: "O.k. let's say abortion is wrong, why is it that so many people who swear so loudly, up and down I might add, that it is, often have such nasty "skeletons" in their "closet?" And what if the reason they yell so loud about what they believe has more to do with something to hide instead of a "heartfelt" belief?

Which politician did Tony Alamo support in the last election?

A little mud slinging (with apologies) from


By Kevin Sooley (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink