Stupak needs to be replaced next election cycle.

He is a bad, bad man in so many ways.

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Do all us humans go through periods where we and those around us must suffer from "delusions of grandeur?"

Speaking with the clarity of mind of a "Bart Stupak" for example, I know for certain that I am giving President Barack Obama the meaning of "life" on the Organizing for America blog and there will be hell to pay if he doesn't pay attention.

Yea, I have been to the mountain and I have
seen the Burning Bush. Verily I say unto thee...
Repent! Repent, oh ye sinners! This is the

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. The bottom line is: Health Care Insurance Reform needs to happen, period. Political Opportunists, so desperate for Power and Glory will get their just deserts in due course. In fact, according to the stories of Job and Jonah and the Whale, all men, especially those rich men trying to get into heaven, are always tested. Senator Stupak's time will come.

In the meantime, America needs to make sane decisions and HCR is, if nothing else sane as well as compassionate. In fact, in the Martin Luther King Jr. sense of the word, HCR is the closest thing to "love" of our fellow man since Civil Rights or the New Deal.

We need to do far more "remembering" of our past along these lines, instead of repeating past mistakes of greed, opportunism and vain "delusional" pride along the lines of Senator Stupak.

Or we could join the honorable Senator Stupak and wallow in the muck of vain self-service.

As a Democrat and one of a herd of cats, the choice is up to us.

A grumble from,

And yet his supporters keep insisting he's just the best guy around, even if you disagree with him on that one issue.
Then they get pissy when you point out the same thing was said of Strom Thurmond.

Getting mightily sick of the "Thanks for the vote, liberals, now STFU." attitude. Yeah, I'm sure the party can win without gay people. Or nonbelievers. Or women.

By JThompson (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

Every Minnesotan needs to forget about the monstrosity that is going through the Congress and key on the plan that John Marty is moving through the State Senate and the legislature. It is what we want, and Minnesota can show the rest of the country how to do it right. See Quiche Moraine on Monday for more details.

We NEED a DFL governor in order to do what Pawlenty is afraid to do,

Getting mightily sick of the "Thanks for the vote, liberals, now STFU." attitude. Yeah, I'm sure the party can win without gay people. Or nonbelievers. Or women.

Umm, liberals are still a fairly small minority of the electorate. What makes you presume that you get to call the tune that Congress must dance to?

I suppose you could form your own party and then the Republicans could just completely ignore you.

Stupak's district used to include my home, and I had the chance to talk for a while on a couple of occasions. As politicians go, he's not a bad guy, certainly better than most imaginable replacements.

And it's not just him: he's representing a block of voters on this bill--that Democratic majority in congress includes a lot of moderate and conservative Democrats from districts like Stupak's--some of whom are staunchly pro-life.

That's the reality. Getting rid of Stupak would, in all likelihood, mean getting worse or more of the same. Stupak pretty much represents his district--economically liberal and socially conservative.

Not a bad guy unless you own a uterus, that is.

Not a bad guy unless you own a uterus, that is.

And therefore Stupak is adamantly opposed by all women, making his re-election an impossibility. Problem solved!

I agree with Oran Kelly at #5. I'm in Stupak's district, and the anti-abortion sentiment around here is very, very strong. Planned Parenthood tried to open a small center here a few years back that didn't even do any medical procedures, and they got run out of town. He is in fact representing the majority in his district, and I don't see any serious potential for replacing him unless he does something really, really stupid.