More Coffee Shops Blues

I look around me and I don't see even one anarchist. Oh, wait, no, there might be an anarchist over there beyond the, no, just another guy in a suit. Never mind.

Read all about it here.

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Isn't that the problem with anarchists? That they/we cannot recognize each other? After all, if we had something in common, some recognizable trait, we wouldn't be anarchist's but rather some "recognizable-trait"-ists, no? And that is just too splitter-y for me.

oh, this is sooooo true... Espresso Vivace, how I miss you!

the coffee shops in this midwestern pseudo-town are certainly no dens of intellectual conversations. *le sigh*

another point on the "why i want to move somewhere, anywhere, else" list; even Fargo has a cafe that meets my requirements!

By Jadehawk, OM (not verified) on 15 Nov 2009 #permalink

Urban coffee shops are great places to name drop philosophers that you haven't read, take in sub-busker level accoustic guitar at open mics, and strategically position your MacBook Air to assure that passersby see what you're writing in hope that one of them may ask you about your novel.