Top Ten Internet Videos Countdown: #2

That calf had a rough day. Of course, the lions did without yet another meal. Jeez, even the crocodile must've felt short-changed.

At least the paying safari customers got a better show than usual.

"'Look,' you said. 'They're walking right towards us. It'll be easy!' Easy, my ass!"

"Yeah, well at least you didn't get almost eaten by a croc!"

"Yeah, well you didn't flung ten feet through the air!"

"That was you?"

"Yeah, that was me!"


"Yeah, it was kinda cool, the whole world just kind of revolving. Weeeee! Hurt like hell, though.
'It'll be easy,' you said."

By Equisetum (not verified) on 30 Nov 2009 #permalink

And we worry about traumatic childhood experiences!

By sailorsguide (not verified) on 01 Dec 2009 #permalink