How to swaddle a baby

Turn the blanket 45 degrees and fold down the farthest corner. Place baby with neck over the fold. Bring one side of the blanket across baby and tuck in behind. Bring lower extension of blanket up over the baby, and tuck one side into the same side you tucked the side into. Bring the opposite, remaining side of the blanket across the baby and tuck that in behind.

The result should look like this:


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Hate to break this to you, but you seem to have gotten some sort of baby stuck inside your blanket.

By Hanspeter (not verified) on 10 Dec 2009 #permalink

This is an utterly inferior training video. You forgot the part about having to staple their hands to their sides. Yes, I know the video cleverly skipped that part, but we're on to you.

At least, that's how Rynji was. He *came out* with one hand up ( OUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH !!!11), no mere blanket was going to keep them in.

You wanna do public service? Show diapering. Cloth and disposable. Minor pee and major explosive bowel movement.

I'm serious. The first diaper I ever changed was my infant son's. I was incompetent. I learned. I learned more from the daycare. I learned enough that I joined the staff of the daycare. I learned enough that I have changed more diapers than my own mom (to her chagrin). I can change disposable or cloth. Blindfolded. Better than you.

You wanna do public service? Swaddling is for rookies. Bring on the diapers.

You might want to put the video below the fold.

I did a whole bunch of months of cloth diapers at one point. Putting them is not hard. Taking them off is hard because you can't just throw them out.

Dammit. Forgot to add...

Beautiful baby! Congratulations! I soooooo miss that age! Congratulations a thousand times over!

(hmph. "too many comments in too little time" or some such. hmph.)

Ah yes, swaddling was awesome. Until La Dudarina was done with it after only two and a half months. She likes to kick.

Congrats on that gorgeous little munchkin.

Go to Greg's youtube channel and see more of Huxley! Huxley is one dandy of a baby. Congratulations youse guys.

By Christie O. (not verified) on 10 Dec 2009 #permalink

Nobody was going to miss them. I was going to put them up one at a time... Jeesh...

But yeah, go look.

Now my female hormones are kicking in and making me want a baby. Now I need to find a crying child or a little brat in order to make this feeling go away. Or maybe just hold a baby for a while.


Look at those eyes--so alert!

He looks a little warm. ie. red-faced. You didn't stick a hot water bottle in their with him did you?

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 10 Dec 2009 #permalink

He is seriously cute. I love the way he is looking around. We swaddled our son for his first 5 months or so, until we couldn't wrap him tightly enough any more. And it really was most of the first 5 months as he slept most of the time. I think it did help set up good sleeping patterns for later.

Squeee.. Yep, made me involuntarily say out loud, "I want another baby."

I just wanted to sit down next to him and watch as he tries to make sense of the world from the sights and sounds he gets in his limited world. He is so cute, and handsome and all that.

I am glad to be a grandpa, though. It doesn't make me want to have more babies, but to see my grandson more often.


You mastered Baby-101. Keep one end wet and the other end dry ... and you got them in the right order.

Kammy got there before me, but I'll say it anyway:
It's a burrito ... with eyes!

And I'm still amused to learn that babies come with little hats.

In my country IRAN until about 20 years ago, that is how it was done until the baby was 6 month.

I was told one of the reason for that, was to keep the baby's feet strait.

By hadi moussavi (not verified) on 11 Dec 2009 #permalink

We used a double swaddle technique on our preemie daughter last winter: take a lighter weight baby blanket turned 45 degrees and fold both the top and bottom points to the center, overlapping enough to where you have a rectangle with points to the left and right. Place the baby in the center of the rectangle with the head and neck above the fold, and, keeping the baby's arms to his side (as best you can), gently wrap each point around the arms. Next place arm-wrapped baby onto baby blanket #2 and swaddle as normal. Our daughter enjoyed being double swaddled more than she did single swaddled. (The double swaddle also comes in handy when one's furnace decides to crap out in the middle of a major snow event, as ours did...)

An adorable baby indeed, but there must be something wrong with my hormones, since I'm happy to admire him from afar, and the sight of him doesn't make me wish I could go back to my baby days (way back in the last millennium).

And to think I relied on duct tape and paper bags all those years. Well, the kids are a little odd. They learned how to do the Time Warp before they could walk.

Ahhhh, those were the daze! Until he was 2 months old, my son would FREAK whenever he was unwrapped â but he liked having his arms free and would get really upset if they were tucked in. My niece wrapped her rugrat like yours, arms tucked in. I think that's the first time I ever saw one like that.

p.s. I think your white balance is, shall we say, just a teeny bit off? My first reaction was "Waitaminnit! Hux is a boy! What's he doing in pink?" :-)

By The Mad LOLSci… (not verified) on 12 Dec 2009 #permalink