Science Online 2010 ...

... SciTen is coming ...

In preparation for Science Online 2010 Session C, Trust and Critical Thinking organized by Stephanie Zvan and including PZ Myers, Desiree Schell, Greg Laden, and Kirsten Sanford, I'll be posting a few items such as Are You A Real Sketpic? over the next few days.

Most readers of this blog will not be going to this mid-January conference, but that does not mean you can't participate. There will probably be the ability to participate in the actual events via twitter or other social networking media. However, it is also possible to be involved by posting comments on pre-conference blog posts, watching for para-conference blogging, and liveblogging, and getting involved in post-conference discussions as well.

An excellent orientation to the themes of the conference, as they are organically developing, can be found in a post by Coturnix called Trust and Language. You will find links there to conference sessions and other resources. Alex Palazzo has just posted something very interesting, and overlapping with a post I'm working on for early in the coming week: Trust & Influence - The Real Human Currency. This is a very important essay, you should go read it. I also urge you to have a look at the topic "Skepticism and Communication" at Podblack Cat's Essays And Research section.

I look forward to posts by the session participants and others over the next few weeks.

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Several blog posts posts were written (by me or Stephanie Zvan) explicitly in preparation for Science Online 2010 Session C, Trust and Critical Thinking organized by Stephanie Zvan and including PZ Myers, Desiree Schell, Greg Laden, and Kirsten Sanford The most recent post, just put up, is this one…
Saturday, January 16 at 4:40 - 5:45pm C. Trust and Critical Thinking - Stephanie Zvan, PZ Myers, Desiree Schell, Greg Laden, Kirsten Sanford Description: Lay audiences often lack the resources (access to studies, background knowledge of fields and methods) to evaluate the trustworthiness of…
Saturday, January 16 at 4:40 - 5:45pm C. Trust and Critical Thinking - Stephanie Zvan, PZ Myers, Desiree Schell, Greg Laden, Kirsten Sanford Description: Lay audiences often lack the resources (access to studies, background knowledge of fields and methods) to evaluate the trustworthiness of…
Saturday, January 16 at 4:40 - 5:45pm C. Trust and Critical Thinking - Stephanie Zvan, PZ Myers, Desiree Schell, Greg Laden, Kirsten Sanford Description: Lay audiences often lack the resources (access to studies, background knowledge of fields and methods) to evaluate the trustworthiness of…

Worth noting also that the plan is for sessions to be recorded wherever that won't compromise someone's pseudonymity. Our session should be available for viewing after the conference. It may even be streamed live.