Loonies for Loonies!

Remember this?

If not, you missed one of the great moments on the intertubes. These kids are Krazy In Love!

Now, CLICK HERE and shell out five loonies for the happy couple!!!!

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Based in no small part on my sheer delight in the blog trail that led to the proposal, I donated to the cause. :) I wish the happy couple a long and wonderful life together!

By ctenotrish (not verified) on 05 Jan 2010 #permalink

Many gracious thanks, kind sir, for the link!

And we appreciate the donation ctenotrish@1 -- the blog trail pretty well floored me, so I'm glad others enjoyed it as much as you did too.

Thank you, Greg!
You didn't have to do this, but know that it is greatly appreciated!

5 Loonies, so that's what, about 2 bucks?

(ya, I know the Loonie is back up, but now that I live in the US again, I couldn't resist)

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 06 Jan 2010 #permalink