Some turn to witchcraft, others to hedonism, still others to cults or the worship of "science".

Or so says the new Pray for Healing web site, formerly known as the Pray for Trig web site.

The idea is to pray for a miracle. It is not clear what miracle they are looking for, but

...[t]he miracle must be something which can turn the hardest-hearted atheist to the Lord, helping bring us as a nation and as a planet back to He who made us.

So. Something that will make PZ Myers believe in god and accept the word of Jesus into his stone cold heart, for instance.

Any suggestions?

More like this

You asked for it, I deliver. Here's a good chunk of the opposition email that I've received in the last two days; not quite all of it, though, since I got bored and a lot of it has just been going straight into the trash. I've tried to cut out most of the identifying names and so forth, but if I…
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One more piece of creationist email for you: this one was addressed to me and all of my fraternity of Godless Atheists, which I think means you readers here. Never mind protesting that some of you are Christian—get used to it, to these guys you will never be truly Christian. Anyway, it's not a very…

Why am I not surprised that this cult in particular has jettisoned the idea of free will?

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink

How about if the stars in the sky are moved so that they spell out a message. The actual and original and complete inerrant text of God's word as He handed it down to humans, in every language, each version being complete, true, inerrant and authentic.

While this would be a miracle, it doesn't add any new information. YECs say that they already know this stuff, so there would be no issues of free-will violation. The degree of difficulty is such that no conceivable non-supernatural life-form could do it. It would be impossible to fake, and every human with sight would be able to see it. No human derives an economic benefit from it, so God isn't playing favorites or enriching particular individual humans. Stars are not used for navigation much, so there wouldn't be danger of ships getting lost at sea.

Wow, that web site is a concentration of stupidity.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink

Right on, #3!

I always wonder why God is so coy. If he wants me to believe in him, why not give me a real sign? Somehow, I don't find, 'but.... look at all the trees! Where did they come from?' convincing.

I keep looking for signs that it's satire. This comment by the admin (about praying for PZ Myers's conversion) is either bad satire, or just nuts:

"Hmm, I like it . . . I REALLY like it . . . but how would it be measurable?

Heâs an atheist. Since he is without God, he can have no morals; therefore, heâd be perfectly happy to lie if it would make God look foolish, wouldnât he?"

For one, she's missing the obvious "if PZ Myers was converted, he'd HAVE morals and NOT lie", right?

The "can have no morals" is what makes me think nuts or satire.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink

How about if the stars in the sky are moved so that they spell out a message. The actual and original and complete inerrant text of God's word as He handed it down to humans, in every language, each version being complete, true, inerrant and authentic.

Already there. Steganography. Pray harder, perhaps with a little anoxia, and all will be revealed.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink

@Frank Cornish: Don't forget, the pages of the Koran (or The God Delusion) which were underneath the cracker can appear as a Holy Shroud.

@Greg: I think you misinterpret The Word on that page though. They're obviously praying for Miguelito Loveless to perfect his latest Doomsday Machine. We all know Dr. Loveless is godless, and what could be better than the godless bringing on the Rapture?

By MadScientist (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink

ok, it's satire:

Rich Wilson presents some logic on that subject:
So either the atheist is converted, and canât lie about it, or the atheist is not converted, in which case lying and saying they were converted would serve no purpose.

(and the response)
Trouble is, lying and saying he was converted would serve the purpose of making God look foolish. God does not like to be made to look foolish; thatâs why many countries have blasphemy laws, to protect Him from such things.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink

All the cephalopods in the 7 seas forming images of Jesus, crosses, etc.

And God burning a giant GOD EXISTS into mt. everest. in all languages.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink