Huxley learns to speak

We don't know what he's saying yet. He might be talking about the book he read yesterday:


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I think that might be a tonal language.

I think it is French.

Trust me when I say - keep him away from Rage Against the Machine, unless you want his first more understandable words to be rather defiant and totally inappropriate for a sweet baby...

My baby seems to understand.

in line with the first poster, does Huxley sing? and how does he respond to simple songs and music? I have the hypothesis that human voice derive from adaptation to singing, it would have evolved as a courting signal, and a social cement expressing emotional states. The adaptation to language might be a recent process.

By Antoni Jaume (not verified) on 11 Feb 2010 #permalink

Um, I think he is saying he has a download for you. Check his diaper.

does he like both kinds of music--country *and* western?