Brookhaven National Lab Blogs

Brookhaven National Laboratory is a multipurpose research laboratory funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Located on Long Island, NY, Brookhaven operates large-scale facilities for studies in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, applied science, and advanced technology. The Laboratory's almost 3,000 scientists, engineers, and support staff are joined each year by more than 5,000 visiting researchers from around the world.

And, they now blog at Scienceblogs!!!
Go welcome Brookhaven.

Yes, there is a trend. Scienceblogs is adding a number of institutions as bloggers. This is going to require the rest of us to clean up our acts!


More like this

I immediately added them to my RSS feed. They will be quite worth reading, I'm sure.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 22 Jun 2010 #permalink