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As I noted several days ago, a temporary change in policy has brought ads for "Mail Order Russian Brides" as well as a number of other ... interesting ... products to the ad spaces on Since I pointed this out, other Scienceblog bloggers have apparently noticed it as well and…
This post was originally titled "Mail Order Brides and Hypergyny." I was prompted to revisit the post because it received a a rather astonishing comment that I chose not to allow, but I did post it on my Facebook page where any attention it would receive would be from the thoughtful people that…
A compendium of selected posts written about the Ituri Forest, the Efe Pygmies, and other folks and other things in the region: In the matter of insects: No Place to Sit Down The reason the Efe won't normally kill an insect ... "Excuse me, there's some food in my bugs!" Day of the locust. Yum! "We…
While I've been away from the blogiverse, it appears that you've had the misfortune to be treated to all manner of disgusting ads popping up here at ScienceBlogs. Mail Order Brides, Naughty Singles, and I don't know what all else. Isis has some details here. She says: ...if you've been visiting…

If we don't stir the pot now and again all the good stuff gets burned on the bottom of the pan ... I have a blog and I get about 1 comment for every 5,000 unique views, if that ... It is far better to be despised than ignored.