Clarification in the You're Not Helping maneno

Certain individuals who shall not be named (or linked to) by me on this blog have been making the usual petty and annoying nuisance of themselves. But there is some justice on the Internet, and the slapping upside the head happens here. Enjoy. Or throw up a little in your mouth. Either way, fine with me.

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While I do think there are sometimes glaring instances of hypocrisy that should be pointed out, historically charges of hypocrisy are often used in a rather tendentious manner to isolate and diminish a serious complaint about conduct. To the extent that such calls become the badge of membership of any group, that group has become unable to discuss the moral dimension of interactions, for fear of some ancient irrelevancy being dredged up in a formulaic attack.

By Tony Sidaway (not verified) on 06 Jul 2010 #permalink

It was explained specifically that the thread was less about YNH or you and more about how accusations of bullying are applied unequally at scienceblogs. I suppose that is why you aren't providing a relevant link to the original thread, because it would be pretty obvious to readers if they could easily access the information. This whole thing is extremely passive aggressive. If you have a problem say what it is, who it is with, and be done with it. You are an adult, I am sure you can handle it.

I am taking a screen cap of my post in case you decide to alter it.

1. This whole thing is extremely passive aggressive.
2. I am taking a screen cap of my post in case you decide to alter it.

skeptifem, you are a ridiculous ass. Over the top absurd. I'm taking a screenshot of your ass in case you try to alter it and make it less ridiculous.