Kittywhumpus Pwns Target

Everybody should do this:

Dear Target,

What's $2183.70 to a big company like you, beloved by millions of shoppers throughout the land, with sales of $63.4 billion during 2009? Not much, but it's what my little family of three spent at your stores in 2009 and 2010, up to now. I know you don't need me anymore. After all, your 2009 results "reflect the strongest retail segment profit in [your] history".

It's been grand, or, dare I say "Super", but I think it's time we see other people....

... Read the rest here.

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Am reminded of the field mouse climbing up the giraffes tail as she turns to ask the little guy just what he thinks he doing.

"Fixing to get some trim", he remarked, "always wanted to do a giraffe."

"Pffft... whatever", she says and goes back to selections of choicer leaf when smacked in the head by another giraffe also up the same tree.

"Ouch!", she exclaims, followed by the field mouse. "Take it Bitch!"

By Bill James (not verified) on 27 Jul 2010 #permalink