PZ Myers new diet

My brother, who lives in Kentucky, very recently had similar corrective heart surgery as PZ's. He sent me this video to pass on to PZ of what appears to be the latest trend in Kentucky health food, as well as the main novel food item that will be sold at the Kentucky State Fair which starts up in a day or two.

Mmmm mmmm good. I hope they have this for the Minnesota State Fair as well, but of course, it will have to be mounted on a stick.

Mmmm mmmm good.

Hey, who's going to the fair this year? Starts in two days!

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This makes me hungry.

Nothing better than deep fried Lutefisk on a stick!

The donut-burger-egg-bacon-donut sandwich would be about six weeks worth of fat, cholesterol and calories. No wonder the southern states have the most number of obese people. They should have gone for nine weeks worth and fried that concoction in Crisco.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

Fun, but first video is blocked in New Zealand for copyright reasons. :(

By Aunt Benjy (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

I thought he was on a strict diet of holy water and communion wafers?!?

Communion wafers might actually be good with the right dip. But I wouldn't be able to eat them. I would break out in a cold sweat. That happens to me in a church, it would probably happen to me tasting the wafer too.

New England Bob, now that would have just been excessive;). Most anything on a Krispy Kreme is a glimpse of heaven.

Ahem...that would be the Jawjuh state fayuh, since Paula Deen is from Savannah. Heck , even this Michigan native knows that.

BTW, does Ms. Deen lay on the y'awls a bit thick or do they really talk like that around Savannah? I've only been through GA once on the I-75 snowbird trek to Flawduh.

Savannah is quite proud of being a bastion of Southern history. They don't let themselves be affected by the outside world as much as, say, Atlanta, which is much more cosmopolitan.

GL: "I would break out in a cold sweat. That happens to me in a church, ..."

Perhaps a successful antidote would your visiting Church Brew Works, should you come to Pittsburgh (PA). Good beer and good food, served in a beautiful church building.

{Sorry if this comes by twice. I forgot to enter my e-mail the first time.}

By Ben Breuer (not verified) on 25 Aug 2010 #permalink