Sunday Prayer


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This is a terrorist: This is not: Any questions? [hat tip to boingboing]
Erm, maybe not: It takes real skill to simultaneously screw up munies and the stock market. One can only hope that maybe some money floods back into the U.S. because of this.
You’re either going to get this or not: HAI CAN HAS STDIO? I HAS A VAR GIMMEH VAR IZ VAR BIGGER THAN 10 O RLY? YA RLY BTW this is true VISIBLE "BIG NUMBER!" NO WAI BTW this is false VISIBLE "LITTLE NUMBER!" KTHX KTHXBYE More details here.

Awesome. Well, there have been people accepting faxes of petitions to god to stuff into the Wailing Wall, faxes to Santa Claus, and what not - so why not pre-blessed food? How many religious denominations have they got praying over the food? It's got to work - how can it be any different from the catlick church selling prayers for the dead?

By MadScientist (not verified) on 28 Nov 2010 #permalink

Can anybody explain the point of casting spells on food?