Natural History

My first bird of 2011 was a crow, so I'll move right along to my second bird which was a hawk, presumably a red tail. That does not count birds I could hear but not see. Register your first bird here at 104Birds.

Is there a sustainable aquaculture? Maybe. It might involve Vietnamese catfish.

Check out these excellent photographs of Angry Birds. Not the video game, the actual birds. Angry.

Holy crap jesus christ on a stick, look at this:

Whoa. That was a sperm whale poking around at an oil rig. HT Kevin
Panda's Thumb asks, Are they fossils of Ediacaran metazoa?

More like this

I have now been out for two drives in a row during which I did NOT see a bald eagle. Until now, almost every drive I've been on this year had yielded at least one. But, there is always something: last night a big red tail and the other day the usual egrets and an urban vulture. But I would have…
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, many of our birds fly away in the fall. Other, very cool birds from even farther north, depending on where you live then arrive. But just about now, where I live, we are at the tail end of the migration out and not quite at the migration in, so this is a good time…
One of the most compelling argument that the story of Noah's Ark is made up is the implausibility of having animals like tigers and lions together with animals like lambs and deer on the same boat for very long. The big carnivores would eventually eat the little cute furry things. The bunnies…
I'm back! For anyone wondering why I've been reposting old pieces for the last few weeks, it's because my wife and I were enjoying a much-deserved holiday in South Africa. I'll stick a link to some photos shortly, but for the moment, here's some post-holiday geekery for you. The trip was a…

My first bird was a starling. So was my second, third and forth....probably up to my least. They are awful pests in my neighborhood. I was hoping to see a hummer or mockingbird, or perhaps a woodpecker...perhaps tomorrow!

I was fast asleep, having done both traditions of staying up way late and drinking too much alcohol.

About 6:30 AM, an American crow, right outside my window, was apparently pissed off about something. God knows what his deal was, given his (or her) urban Human situation, but there's my first bird of 2011, for what it's worth.

By howard.peirce (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

A pair of cardinals that nest in a large bush right outside my kitchen window. See them almost every morning.

By Don Smith (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Crows here too - most of the birds around at this time of the year in Trail are crows. Some pigeons, a few gulls, occasional osprey and other raptors. Something flew off my bird feeder this morning - too fast for good ID but I think it was a Black Capped Chickadee

Nothing, but the sound of cold screaming finches.

By Charles Sullivan (not verified) on 02 Jan 2011 #permalink

Long-billed Dowitcher, which is now ensconced as my facebook avatar for this year.

By Pete Moulton (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink

I got more goddamned pigeons. There were so many of them there appeared to be a white waterfall originating from the side of a building. I did see a corvid later in the day though; I can't positively identify it because I'm not familiar with the particular species - there is no doubt it's a corvid though. I have a suspicion that most birds where I'm currently at seek warmer places in the winter.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 03 Jan 2011 #permalink