Olberman Leaves MSNBC

It was so abrupt that MSNBC ads and promotions still include his show. It is being said by MSNBC officials that this has nothing to do with the Comcast takeover.

"There were many occasions, particularly in the last 2 1/2 years, where all that surrounded the show -- but never the show itself -- was just too much for me," Olbermann said in his exit statement. "But your support and loyalty and, if I may use the word, insistence, ultimately required that I keep going. My gratitude to you is boundless."


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From the "ideas so bizarre they just might work department"... Olby goes to FOX.

By Bill James (not verified) on 22 Jan 2011 #permalink

"Stop organising your life around people who don't get the joke".

That's not a bad philosophy of life.

The good ol' boys at Olbermanwatch will be furious they'll have to find some other center democrat to froth over.

I'll retain a soft spot for Olby, as he was my introduction to videocasting and the wonders of American politics. He'll probably crop up somewhere else soon.