Olive Skinned? Republican Rep Connie O'Brien has your number!

Wanna know what tabagging racism sounds like? Go to about 2 minutes, listen through 4 minutes or so.

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So I guess if this lady saw my daughter she would just know my daughter is illegal. Amazing talent, that.

I'm sure no citizen of the US has ever driven illegally.

By richardrob (not verified) on 16 Feb 2011 #permalink

Sounds like my Mom. Better check in to see where she was that day...

So the girl had no ID and she couldn't get a grant? Boohoo, NOT. Either she was an illegal or a scam artist. Sorry but you can't even buy Sudafed without ID, so I am supposed to feel bad for a girl asking for thousands in tax payer assistance with not a shred of proof who she is? Plz.

By John Bill (not verified) on 16 Feb 2011 #permalink

The woman could tell by looking that the girl was not from this country. So she didn't look Iroquois?

Make all colleges free to attend; no more need for financial aid.

@John Brill...

The point of this posting is not that the girl couldn't get financial aid. The point was that Connie O'Brien said she knew that the girl was an illegal alien because of the color of her skin.

I agree that if you don't have a valid ID, you shouldn't get financial aid. However, it doesn't mean that you're in the country illegally. My kids don't have IDs, are they illegals? According to O'Brien, they aren't. They have the right skin pigmentation.

By Anonymosity (not verified) on 17 Feb 2011 #permalink

You underestimate her telepathic abilities. Connie O'Brien need only to be in the line of sight to scan the brains and look for the cognitive self-contradictions that indicate a True American(TM). An absence of these indications means the person is an illegal immigrant or a traitor.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 17 Feb 2011 #permalink