Health Reform Matters

below the fold

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This might be an actual Microsoft ad that was pulled after it upset people. Below the fold because it is .... well, it's below the fold. Analysis (or parody) here, HT Lee.
Holy crap! They killed off... {Spoiler below the fold--if you're in a time zone west of Eastern Standard, haven't yet seen the episode because of the time difference, and don't want to know what happens at the end of the episode, don't read below the fold. You've been warned!} ... Edgar at the end…
The following image (below the fold) is a little large (that is why it is below the fold). Over one half meg in size. It is a map of major flooding around the world over the last several years, not counting this year and last. If you add in the present flooding in the Midwest, it is very clear…
Sometimes social data are weird & unexpected. Below the fold are two charts which compare the self-reported happiness of people of various weight classes. From left to right: below average, average, above average and considerably above average. Red = very happy, blue = happy and green =…

...and then you have the kids who have had organ transplants, who stop taking their anti-rejection medications after they discover they cannot get health insurance after they age out of their parents insurance essence, they commit suicide. Unless they worked for a large company, good luck getting insurance without the new mandates put into place by Obama's health care plan. Now they can continue to be productive members of society.