Wii to be replaced in 2012; Preview expected in early June 2010

I've hardly ever played video games, and Julia, growing up, never did either. Then a couple of years ago we got a Wii and now we play it regularly but responsibly. Amanda joins us now and then.

After the filing of our 1040s, we realized we could afford to buy a new TV to replace our old energy-hogging tube model, so we did. Now we will be able to see what we are doing when using the Wii. As an indicator of how much we are NOT addicted to game play, I'll note that other than testing that the connection works, We've not used it since installing the TV on Friday.

The Wii is great, but it is oddly quirky in its design. A key feature of the Wii is the Wii remote, an oblong object with numerous buttons and a wrist strap. There is a gel-substance cover that protects the remote, but that the user must fit over it, that must be removed to change batteries, or to add an "extra sensitivity" device.

The remote senses its own movement, but not sensitively enough for some games, so those games require the addition of an extra sensitivity device which mus be added to the oblong remote.

The extra sensitivity device must be removed to get the remote into the charger one normally would keep it in while not in use. The gel cover must be partly removed and the safety strap must be pulled awkwardly to one side, in order to get the remote into its charging cradle. Its like having sex while wearing an elaborate Halloween costume. Or maybe its like this. In any event, the safety strap, extra sensitivity, gel cover and ability to charge all seem to have been afterthoughts of each other.

But when the thing is all put together right, its fun and cool. People who use other gaming systems may disagree, but what do they know?1

Just the other day Julia expressed this concern: "I wonder when the next version of the Wii is going to come out?" ... And, Nintendo responded with this:

To whom it may concern:

Re: Wii's successor system

Nintendo Co., Ltd. has decided to launch in 2012 a system to succeed Wii, which the company has sold 86.01 million units on a consolidated shipment basis between its launch in 2006 and the end of March 2011.

We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo, which will be held June 7-9, 2011, in Los Angeles.

Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012.


Tiere is a claim that it will spit cappuccino into your face. How cool is that?

By the way, if you need a new TV here's how to get one.

1Probably a lot more than I do, because I've never used them and don't even know what they are called or what they do.

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This article doesnât really make sinceâ¦. I donât see how it could be replaced in 2012? Just because it has a cover doesnât mean you need to have it on there. You donât have to have a charger for it just replace the batteries each time! Lastly, there actually isnât much buttons on the wii remote.!

By Kourtney_N (not verified) on 26 Apr 2011 #permalink

i have never used the WII. i hear they are fun. i like my xbox 360 though.

After I turned in my Atari 2600 for a PC I've never looked seriously at any other gaming system. That's one of the things that has kept me in a Windows-based system. The Wii looked intriguing, but I never took the plunge.