The winners of NCSE's bumper sticker contest

NCSE headquarters was flooded with almost 550 entries from almost 150 people, including sixty entries from a single indefatigable sloganeer. After days of statistical analysis and rigorous peer-review, we are pleased to congratulate the winners -- David Cone, Tom Griffiths, Michael Keller, Tania Lombrozo, Jerry Newton, Bill Pogson, S. Michael Smith, Drew Weller, and a few who preferred not to be identified -- who received such fabulous prizes as a Charles Darwin bobblehead from Southern Illinois University Carbondale's Department of Zoology, a DVD of Greta Schiller's documentary No Dinosaurs in Heaven, and NCSE's famous "my ancestors" t-shirt, suitable for all occasions. Thanks to all who participated in the contest.

What do the sticker say? They're not gonna tell us yet! The final stages of the design process are underway. Stay Tuned.

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Saw the NCSE boss's lecture a few days ago. She was, when questioned, predictably, unable to name a single independent scientist who supports warming alarmism or a single piece of actual evidence for it. None.

This did not, of course, stop her browbeating a school which, in response to a parent's complaint that Al Gore's film was not entirely the wholly impartial, accurate, scientific material it claims to be, had agreed to "balance" Gore's propaganda with a free debate.

Obviously in reality a debate, being inherently a matter of balance cannot itself balance bias merely ameliorate it.

However even such amelioration is anathema to NCSE. Total and complete censorship to prevent children ever learning to think for themselves is their aim. This is child abuse, pure and simple.

Or is anybody actually going to claim Gore's film really is wholly impartial, accurate, scientific material? Even "realclimate" only claims he "got the science mostly right" so is anybody going to claim to be more alarmist than the "standard of honesty" of realclimate?

Neil: where's the independent peer-reviewed science disproving AGW?

Also, since you've spouted so many lies before, why should we believe your story of how the NCSE boss was unable to answer your question?