How to Live Trap A Godzilla

In the past, we've covered how to live trap a mouse. And, how to live trap a squirrel. For those, I've got considerable experience and was able to give you good advice. But for live trapping a Godzilla, it is best to seek professional advice.

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You don't need to spend $250,000. Once you have Godzilla up a building, take a club, a gun, and a big attack dog. Give the gun to someone on the ground, and go up the building to where Godzilla is. Club him down.* when he hits the ground the dog bites him in the naughty bits, and while Godzilla is traumatized, you wrap him up.

* If Godzilla knocks you off the building the man with the gun should use it to subdue the dog.

Thanks for the link to last year's post on squirrels. Good overview and I especially liked your responses to comments. Made me realize I should check my traps too.

I use peanut butter rather than peanuts (the magpies tend to steal them) with my Havaheart, but it is messy to clean off the tray. For my red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), the base of the tree does seem to work best - or the attic void filled with spruce cones. Only real problem is that red squirrels are both territorial and inveterate thieves. Within a day or two of trapping a squirrel a new one shows up to claim all the horded wealth. We've seriously considered moving just to get away from these pests (and the Bambi-remorse each time we have to kill one). If Godzilla ever moves into the attic, we are definitely moving.

history shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.