New York City Traffic Signs in Poetic Form

The idea is that if you hear or see the same phrase or symbol again and again you grow habituated to it. For instance, right now, think about where you work or go to school (or some other non-residential interior where you spend considerable time) and tell me where the Exit signs and fire extinguishers are. You might well know, or you might have grown so used to them that they are in the background.

The City of New York has placed a number of signs warning pedestrians, bikers, and drivers, of the usual hazards, but using an unusual technique: New symbols linked to haiku.

Traffic warning street signs written as haiku are appearing on poles around the five boroughs, posted by the New York City Department of Transportation. The poems and accompanying artwork were created by artist John Morse. There are 12 designs in all, 10 in English and two in Spanish.

"Poetry has a lot of power," Morse tells NPR's Scott Simon. "If you say to people: 'Walk.' 'Don't walk.' Or, 'Look both ways.' If you can tweak it just a bit -- and poetry does that -- the device gives these simple words power."

I'll give you a link.
A link that you can follow.
Just click on this word.

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It seems very cool
The drivers get distracted
It is not so cool

Theyr'e cute, but shoddy proof-syllable-counting.
The third one's not a haiku.

I should have researched my pedantry more carefully.
No doubt #3 is a jiyuritsu haiku rather than a teikei haiku.