All Candidates Should Acknowledge Climate Change

Obviously! But they mostly don't. Check this out:

New Hampshire scientists call on "all candidates" to "acknowledge" cliamte change

In 2008, one of the little acknowledged political subtexts was how significantly global warming played in the Republican primary process. Both independently and as part of organizational efforts, individuals asked questions at events (and on street corners) and many events has signs about voters' concerns over the need for climate change action. John McCain stood alone in discussing climate change forthrightly. In terms of impact, John McCain might just have won in New Hampshire (setting him on the path for the nomination) due to statements like these:

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everyone involved in this criminal scam is going to be held indefinitely without trial

Not necessarily a bad idea. Removing climate denialists from the body politic should solve a myriad of other social issues.

Is it common for people like poster number 1 to assume issues they have no hope of understanding must be nepharious plots to destroy freedom?

@dean: yes, depressingly so.