Phobos-Grunt might be coming in now.

Twitter is telling me that Phobos Grunt is going to do its mostly burning up in the Earth's Atmosphere thing RIGHT NOW. Or it just did. Or really really soon.

#PhobosGrunt is the hashtag.

If you have an aluminum foil hat, now would be a good time to put it on.

That is all.

b0yle Alan Boyle
MT @PhG_Reentry: RT @timmermansr: STRATCOM claiming #PhobosGrunt reentered, crashed in Pacific in last few minutes. Unconfirmed by Russians

_VanillaBlues Alina Razzouk
#PhobosGrunt may have crashed in the Pacific Ocean according to the US Strategic Command. Awaiting Russian validation

AdirondackAstro Michael Rector
USStratcom saying #PhobosGrunt crashed down in South Pacific off of Southern South America, but unconfirmed by Roscosmos.

monzitrek Luigi Morielli
#PhobosGrunt pare che US STRATCOM abbia confermato il rientro della sonda sul Pacifico. Si attende conferma da Roscosmos.

gregladen Greg Laden
#PhobosGrunt re-entered? Pics or it didn't happen!

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