SOPA Dead (for now) But PIPA is Not

According to the examiner:

In a surprise move today, Representative Eric Cantor(R-VA) announced that he will stop all action on SOPA, effectively killing the bill. This move was most likely due to several things. One of those things is that SOPA and PIPA met huge online protest against the bills. Another reason would be that the White House threatened to veto the bill if it had passed. .

PIPA, the Senate Version is still in play, however.

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If PIPA passes, can it actually get to Obama's desk, since SOPA is effectively dead? It's been a while since high school civics, but I thought both houses had to pass a bill (then iron out the differences) before it could even be signed/veto'd by the President.

By Becca Stareyes (not verified) on 16 Jan 2012 #permalink

A bill can start in either house, but it has to pass through both houses. Obama says he will veto it. It may be just a matter of time before PIPA dies on the vine.

But it is also possible that these bills are being taken off the table (as it were) just in time to deflate the upcoming Blackout, with the plan being to bring them back later.