A new project on the X Blog

I've started a new, modest but I think good, project on The X Blog. I've dragged out and dusted off, and rewritten and reorganized, a selected series of essays that I wrote few years ago but were not widely read, especailly by you if you are fairly new to this blog. I'm going to be posting a few a week. The original corpus is about 40 or so essays in total but I'm combining some and it is quite possible that I'll toss some aside as I get to them because I am trying to be selective.

Originally, these essays were written in batches, or as part of a theme, and there are several different batches or themes among them. But I realized the other day that they are also personal-historical and can be roughly ordered in relation to my own personal time line. (Hey, maybe I should post them as "events" on my Facebook page?!? Gotta use that time line thing for something!) So I've ordered them that way, which amuses me, though I'm sure it will mean little to anyone reading them.

I'd been planning on doing this for a while, but the impetus for doing it right now came from a conversation I had with a colleague. We are planning something that would require that we get hold of a blimp or Zeppelin or something. Some kind of airship. We're working on that, and I'm sure you'll hear about it if it happens. You see, the thing is, the first in this series of essays relates to blimps. And frightening nightmares and dead pets. An Nazis.

Please visit the X Blog and have a look at "Thump"

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Looking forward to it!

Blimps and Nazis makes me think of zeppelins. Plus nightmares equals Hindenburg. Full of pets?