Apollo 11 in 100 Seconds

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Note: This is a repost from my old site. Time to move it over. First, what is different about motion on the moon and on Earth? Since the moon has a smaller mass in spite of its smaller size*, the moon has a smaller gravitational field. The gravitational field on the surface of the moon is 1/6th…
I'll keep this simple, as you can get longer writeups at Universe Today, Bad Astronomy, and the NASA site, but a NASA spacecraft currently orbiting the Moon just released images of five of the six Apollo landing sites. Why am I so excited about this? Because you can see the Earth-junk we left there…
--The key scientist who helped NASA plan and identify the Moon landing location for Apollo 11 --Currently is a leading expert in the study of deserts and how to find and sustain water in such environments in the Arab world Two years before America's historic Apollo 11 moon landing mission was…
The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, which will neither be recovering gravity or being inside the moon but "GRAIL" apparently sounds good, is coming into Lunar Orbit as I write this. As you know from watching Apollo 13 the travel distance to or back from the moon is a matter of several…

My father got me up to watch too. I don't have anything as cool as newspaper though.

Funny thing is, that I had forgotten it (newspaper referenced in above comment) still existed. A few years ago, after my Mom died, my sibs and I were clearing out the house. There was an old desk in the garage, and when I looked inside it, I found it there.

By Nick Theodorakis (not verified) on 28 Mar 2013 #permalink