AskDrMann! PennFuture's 9/17 Twitter chat with climate scientist Michael Mann (@MichaelEMann )

Check this out:

PennFuture is hosting a Twitter chat with renowned Penn State climate scientist (and our good friend!) Michael Mann aka @MichaelEMann on Wednesday, September 17, from 2pm-3pm EDT. Use the hashtag #AskDrMann to participate. You won't wanna miss it!

Mann has been at the forefront of the climate change conversation over the past decade, from his widely-recognized research to his many media appearances explaining the science behind global warming.

He recently penned an op-ed in the Allentown Morning Call, where he urged the public to become more involved in the climate debate, and called on policymakers to regulate both carbon dioxide and methane -- greenhouse gases that are accelerating climate change.

Mark your calendar!

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A sad day for this country:

The hatred is palpable.

I grew up in an era when education in general (and an education in the sciences specifically) was respected and revered. Whatever was going on there today is shameful.

By Karan Richardson (not verified) on 17 Sep 2014 #permalink