Two new anti-Trump ads

As Rachel points out, the first one is pretty conventional. The second one is a killer. Have a look:

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The t-shirt video is far better, but I'm looking forward to the Clinton campaign getting beyond its focus on women (and minorities). Trump's policy proposals, business and tax practices are a clear contradiction of his populist claims. Trump has already undermined his support among women. It is equally important for Clinton to use Trump to undermine his support among (white) working and middle class men. The sooner the Clinton campaign starts stuffing the heads of Trump supporters with cognitive dissonance, the better.

By cosmicomics (not verified) on 20 May 2016 #permalink

cos @ 1

I think you hit on a good point about Clinton's campaingn strategy which may be more revealing of her mindset than the situation on the ground, and may also be a factor in why Sander's campaign gained such legs.

Too insecure re her base.

By Obstreperous A… (not verified) on 20 May 2016 #permalink